It's time to confront
The Facts
about Allred's All-Radical Record
Girls in Boys Sports
Allred's Lie:
  • “So let me be clear, I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports.” (Ad)

The Truth:
  • Allred voted against H.R. 5, the Parental Bill of Rights, which would require schools to notify parents about opening up sports to all genders, and obtaining parental consent before allowing a child to change their gender markers/name or change their sex-based accommodations (Vote).

  • Allred Voted against H.R. 734 – The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. The Act would prohibit biological males from participating in school athletic programs meant for biological females.

  • Colin Allred has publicly supported this policy on his Twitter on multiple occasions.

War on Texas Energy
Allred's Lie:
  • Allred said he would oppose a national ban on fracking.

  • Allred said he stood up to the Biden Administration on his war on Texas energy.

  • Allred said “I want to make sure Texas remains the No. 1 energy state in the country.”

  • Allred said he will defend Texas energy jobs.

The Truth:
  • Allred joined his Democrat colleagues in opposing an effort to prevent future presidents from banning fracking.

  • Allred voted AGAINST a bill aimed at reversing the Biden administration’s ban on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, despite Texas being the largest exporter of natural gas in the country.

  • Colin Allred voted AGAINST denouncing the Biden administration’s anti-American energy policies.

  • Allred voted against the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act.

  • Allred voted twice against legislation to prohibit future presidents from unilaterally banning fracking.

  • Allred voted against nullifying the Biden-Harris EPA mandates that would force two-thirds of all new vehicles to be electric by 2032, crippling Texas’ oil and gas industry.
Open Borders
Allred's Lie:
  • Allred said “Our border communities deserve a Senator who will work to find bipartisan solutions to address the border crisis.”

  • Allred said he’d secure our border.

  • Allred said he would ensure personnel needs are met for Border Patrol agents.

The Truth:
  • Allred voted AGAINST the Secure the Border Act.

  • Allred voted AGAINST denouncing the Biden Administration’s immigration policies.

  • Allred voted AGAINST condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result.

  • Allred voted AGAINST the POLICE Act, which would immediately deport any illegal alien who assaults a law enforcement officer.

  • Allred voted AGAINST the SAVE Act, which was a bill that would block illegal aliens from voting in U.S. elections.

  • Allred skipped vote on border security (Article).

  • Allred voted against condemning Kamala Harris & Joe Biden’s border crisis.

Crime & Law Enforcement
Allred's Lie:
  • Allred said “I’m proud to support our police departments.”

  • Allred said that he is “grateful to all of our law enforcement officers.”

  • Allred said that he has “supported efforts to make sure that our state and local law enforcement have body armor. “

  • Allred said “What I want to see is a restoration between the police and our communities, where people feel like the police are there to protect and serve; and that you have a level of trust…a positive relationship.

The Truth:
  • Allred proudly touted support from an anti-police group.

  • Attended an event where attendees were given out cards with instructions on evading ICE.

  • Allred voted AGAINST the POLICE Act, which would immediately deport any illegal alien who assaults a law enforcement officer.

  • In 2020, Allred voted for H.R. 7120, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which was co-signed by Pelosi and could restrict federal funding for local police departments that do not comply, and would end qualified immunity.

  • In 2020, Allred refused to comment on calls to defund the police even as the Dallas City Council voted to cut $7m in overtime benefits for officers.

Allred's Lie:
  • Colin Allred claims that his support for Israel remains steadfast

  • Colin Allred said that “I condemn these attacks in the strongest terms possible, and stand firmly in support of Israel, the Israeli people, and Israel’s right to defend itself.

  • Colin Allred said that “We must all stand together against antisemitism, hate and attacks on our democracy…I am proud of my record supporting our Democratic ally Israel.”

  • Colin Allred said that he “unequivocally [denounces] antisemitism in all forms,” but has repeatedly.

The Truth:
  • Allred voted against an effort to consider sanctions on Hamas as the Iranian-backed terrorist group fired thousands of missiles at Israel.

  • Allred refused to condemn or denounce his friend Imam Omar Suleiman, who has called for an “intifada,” which means a violent uprising against Israel.

  • Allred praised an Imam that has a long history of anti-Israel rhetoric and anti-Israel ties.

  • Allred RECEIVED thousands in donations from anti-Israel activists.

  • Voted AGAINST censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

  • Voted AGAINST the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, which specified that no federal funding may be used to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel the delivery of defense articles or defense services to Israel.

  • Voted AGAINST an MTR to H.R. 3237, which would have provided billions to the Iron Dome as Hamas was targeting Israeli civilians.

  • Voted AGAINST an effort to consider sanctions on Hamas as the Iranian-backed terrorist group fired thousands of missiles at Israel.

  • Voted AGAINST a motion to condemn the BDS movement and voted against a motion to require certain pension plans to not engage in Israel boycotts.

  • Voted TO GIVE U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, potentially funding lifetime salaries for Palestinians who carry out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Joe Biden and Kamala's Ally
Allred's Lie:
  • “I’m also condemning the Biden administration when I think they’re not doing a good job.” (Video)

The Truth:
  • Allred voted to elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House for the 116th Congress and the 117th Congress. From 2019-2022, Colin Allred voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time.

  • Here are four different times Allred has refused the condemn the Biden administration.

Reckless Spender
Allred's Lie:
  • Colin Allred says he will be a pro-business, pro-economy Senator.

  • Colin Allred is not endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this cycle. The U.S. Chamber endorsed Senator Ted Cruz.

The Truth:
  • Allred opposed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The 2017 GOP tax cuts saved the average family in his district (TX-32) over $3,300.

  • Allred voted for the Build Back Better Act that could have led to about $1 trillion in tax hikes on American workers and businesses, resulting in one of the highest tax rates in the developed world.

  • Allred voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, which could raise taxes by $20B on people making less than $400k per year, and hire 87,000 new IRS agents to target the middle-class.

Abortion Extremist
Allred's Lie:
  • Colin Allred says that he “[has] come to respect and understand that in some states there will be different restrictions.”
The Truth: